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  1. Couchbase Python Client Library
  2. PYCBC-1020

BucketManager has index functions, which may segfault, and are not part of sdk3 api.



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Critical
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • 1


      The couchbase_core.BucketManager is a v2 thing which we use under-the-hood in 3.x. And of course, python is happy to let you instantiate one. Given that the v2 api had it, and you used it to make an index, it isn't surprising that people run into this.

      So lets completely remove it. If we use it for anything now (I think we do), then steal the code in it we do use, put it where it needs to be, and delete this.

      Ideally, we'd eliminate all the stuff like this. In fact, anything in couchbase_v2 should go, and we should look hard at everything in couchbase_core as well. All this stuff adds complexity, makes this harder to understand and use, and the lack of complete documentation makes it worse. But certainly, anything that existed in v2 should be completely gone.


      • eliminate couchbase_core.BucketManager completely
      • assess couchbase_core and couchbase_v2. Can we move/eliminate things? Make a plan to get rid of everything that we can, so when someone uses the SDK, they can be less confused.
      • perhaps this overlaps with other tickets involving things like how we have the raw Bucket object exposed, and so on? But honestly, we are 3.0.4 and still have this stuff. We have to simplify things for the users. Maybe there needs to be a concerted push (whole sprint?) dedicated to this? Plan it, and advocate for it.

      I'm marking as critical, since this just seems bad.


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            jared.casey Jared Casey
            david.kelly David Kelly (Inactive)
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