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  1. Couchbase Python Client Library
  2. PYCBC-500

Use common error and exceptions with FLE



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • 2.4.0
    • None
    • library
    • None
    • 1


      A number of common error/failure scenarios gave been defined in the FLE SDK-RFC, all SDK should follow these exception/error scenarios and return the Message text back to the user. If an error case does not apply to a specific SDK, then it should be noted in the RFC. 


      Exception Name Thrown Description Message
      CryptoProviderNotFoundException During/after configuration No crypto provider can be found for a given alias. The cryptographic provider could not be found for the alias: [ALIAS]
      CryptoProviderAliasNullException During/after configuration The annotation has no associated alias or is null or and empty string. Cryptographic providers require a non-null, empty alias be configured.
      CryptoProviderMissingPublicKeyException During/after configuration The PublicKeyName field has not been set in the crypto provider configuration or is null or and empty string Cryptographic providers require a non-null, empty public and key identifier (kid) be configured for the alias: [ALIAS]
      CryptoProviderMissingSigningKeyException During/after configuration The SigningKeyName field has not been set in the crypto provider configuration or is null or and empty string. Required for symmetric algos. Symmetric key cryptographic providers require a non-null, empty signing key be configured for the alias: [ALIAS]
      CryptoProviderMissingPrivateKeyException During/after configuration The PrivateKeyName field has not been set in the crypto provider configuration or is null or and empty string. Required for asymmetric algos. Asymmetric key cryptographic providers require a non-null, empty private key be configured for the alias: [ALIAS]
      CryptoProviderSigningFailedException During execution Thrown if the authentication check fails on the decryption side. The authentication failed while checking the signature of the message payload for the alias: [ALIAS]
      CryptoProviderEncryptFailedException During execution Thrown if an error occurs during encryption. The encryption of the field failed for the alias: [ALIAS]
      CryptoProviderDecryptFailedException During execution Thrown if an error occurs during decryption. The decryption of the field failed for the alias: [ALIAS]


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