
    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Done
    • Major
    • 0.1
    • None
    • documentation
    • None


      Using the template below provide initial CMOS documentation in the repository in Asciidoc format within a docs sub-directory.

      Introductory Section

      Content writer: Sharal Sonia

      Content reviewer(s): Patrick Stephens David Haikney Anil Kumar

      The first paragraph should briefly describe what the component is/does, including its relation to the cloud-native landscape. This paragraph should 1.) help novices by giving them a brief synopsis of the component, and 2.) help experienced cloud users identify that they are in the right place for a specific integration. This paragraph should be a maximum of three sentences, and include ample SEO terminology to aid in discovery.

      The second paragraph should briefly describe how and why the component fits into the Couchbase Cloud-Native Database. This paragraph should answer the question: As a Couchbase Cloud-Native Database user, why do I need this? This paragraph should be a maximum of three sentences.

      Add Introductory Section Content Here

      <content writer should add content here for review>


      Operational Diagram

      Diagram requirements contributor: <tag person here>

      Draft diagram creator: <tag person here>

      Diagram reviewer(s): <tag person(s) here>

      Diagram graphic designer(s): <tag person(s) here>

      Each Cloud-Native summary page MUST have at least ONE official diagram that illustrates where and how the component fits into the overall Couchbase Cloud-Native Database. Diagrams are imperative for quickly understanding the function of a Cloud-Native component, as well as how it integrates with other components in the Couchbase Cloud-Native Database.

      Add Operational Diagram Requirements Here:

      <diagram requirements contributor should add requirements here for review>

      Add Draft Diagram Here:

      <draft diagram creator should add draft diagram here for review>

      Add Finished Diagram Here:

      <diagram graphic designer(s) should add finished diagram here for review>


      Getting Started Section

      Content writer: <tag person here>

      Content reviewer(s): <tag person(s) here>

      The goal of this section is to help the user quickly identify how to take action with the component.

      The opening paragraph of this section should contain a very brief, very clear description of the primary dependencies of the component. In most cases, the first sentence will be a simple statement that the primary dependency is the Couchbase Autonomous Operator.

      The rest of this section should be a list of links to the procedures and tutorials for getting started with the component and its dependencies. This will often be links to how to procedures in the Operator docs.

      Add Getting Started Section Content Here

      <content writer should add content here for review>


      Additional Resources (as needed)

      This section is optional, and should contain a list of links to other helpful information related to the component.



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              sharal.sonia Sharal Sonia (Inactive)
              anil Anil Kumar (Inactive)
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