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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-11675

20-30% performance degradation on append-heavy workload compared to 2.5.1



    • Yes
    • June 30 - July 18


      When running an append-heavy workload (modelling a social network address book, see below) the performance of CB has dropped from ~100K ops down to 50K ops compared to 2.5.1-1083 on OS X.

      Edit: I see a similar (but slightly smaller - around 40% degradation on Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) - see comment below for details.

      == Workload ==

      revAB_sim - generates a model social network, then builds a representation of this in Couchbase. Keys are a set of phone numbers, values are lists of phone books which contain that phone number. (See attachment).

      Configured for 8 client threads, 100,000 people (documents).

      To run:

      • pip install networkx
      • Check revAB_sim.py for correct host, port, etc
      • time ./revAB_sim.py

      == Cluster ==

      1 node, default bucket set to 1024MB quota.

      == Runtimes for workload to complete ==

        1. CB-2.5.1-1083:

      ~107K op/s. Timings for workload (3 samples):

      real 2m28.536s
      real 2m28.820s
      real 2m31.586s

        1. CB-3.0.0-918

      ~54K op/s. Timings for workload:

      real 5m23.728s
      real 5m22.129s
      real 5m24.947s


        1. CB 2.5.1 revAB_sim.png
          192 kB
          Dave Rigby
        2. CB 3.0.0-918 revAB_sim.png
          201 kB
          Dave Rigby
        3. ep.251.jpg
          888 kB
          David Liao
        4. ep.300.jpg
          919 kB
          David Liao
        5. epso.251.jpg
          876 kB
          David Liao
        6. epso.300.jpg
          1.03 MB
          David Liao

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              pavelpaulau Pavel Paulau (Inactive)
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