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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-36755

cbimport csv fails with UTF-BOM files



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      cbimport won't properly import UTF-8 files that have BOM characters


      6.5.0-4737 - tried to improt attached invoices.csv - following errors thrown:

      [root@node1-mad-hatter-testing-centos7 bin]# ./cbimport csv -c localhost -u Administrator -p password -b test -d file:///root/invoices.csv -g %id% -v
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.499-07:00 (Rest) GET http://localhost:8091/pools 200
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.503-07:00 (Rest) GET http://localhost:8091/pools/default 200
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.503-07:00 (Plan) Executing transfer plan
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.503-07:00 (Plan) Checking for data movement restrictions between test and test
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.503-07:00 Transferring to Couchbase Server 6.5.0
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.503-07:00 (Plan) Transferring bucket configuration for test to test
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.503-07:00 Unable to restore bucket settings, none exist
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.503-07:00 (Plan) Transferring views definitions for test to test
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.503-07:00 (Rest) GET http://localhost:8091/pools/default/nodeServices 200
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.504-07:00 (Plan) Executing queries against test to test
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.504-07:00 (Rest) GET http://localhost:8091/pools/default/nodeServices 200
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.504-07:00 (Plan) Transferring full text index definitions for test to test
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.504-07:00 (Plan) Transferring analytics metadata
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.504-07:00 (Rest) cannot restore empty analytics metadata
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.504-07:00 (Plan) Deciding which key value data to transfer for test
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.504-07:00 (Plan) Transferring new key value data for test to test
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.507-07:00 (Rest) GET http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets 200
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.509-07:00 (Rest) GET http://localhost:8091/pools/default/nodeServices 200
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.513-07:00 WARN: Unable to generate key for document at line2 – csvdata.(*csvSource).Data.func1() at source.go:201
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.513-07:00 WARN: Unable to generate key for document at line3 – csvdata.(*csvSource).Data.func1() at source.go:201
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.513-07:00 WARN: Unable to generate key for document at line4 – csvdata.(*csvSource).Data.func1() at source.go:201
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.514-07:00 ERRO: Data transfer failed: Some errors occurred while transferring data, see logs for more details – plan.(*data).execute() at data.go:91
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.514-07:00 (Plan) Transfer plan failed due to error Some errors occurred while transferring data, see logs for more details
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.514-07:00 CSV import failed: 0 documents were imported, 3 documents failed to be imported
      2019-11-01T11:57:46.514-07:00 CSV import failed: Some errors occurred while transferring data, see logs for more details
      CSV import failed: 0 documents were imported, 3 documents failed to be imported
      CSV import failed: Some errors occurred while transferring data, see logs for more details


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