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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-44784

[Volume Test]: Timers not getting fired



    • Untriaged
    • 1
    • Unknown


      Build: 7.0.0 build 4619 

      Test: Eventing Volume

      • Create 9 node cluster ( Eventing:3 , Kv:4,index:1,query:1)
      • Create 15 handlers (3 of bucket op, timer,n1ql, SBM, curl)
      • deploy bucket op, timers and N1ql
      • Rebalance in 1 eventing node
      • Start CRUD on bucket_op where no handler are deployed
      • Verify handlers
      • Load more data
      • Add to 2 KV nodes
      • deploy curl and SBM handlers
      • Rebalance out 2 kv nodes
      • Verify all handlers
      • Pause bucket op and timers
      • Swap 2 kv nodes 1 after another
      • load more data
      • Rebalance in 2 eventing nodes
      • Resume bucket op and timers
      • Verify all handlers
      • load more data
      • rebalance out 2 eventing nodes
      • verify all handlers
      • load more data
      • Swap 2 eventing nodes 1 after another
      • Verify all handlers
      • load all data
      • Rebalance in kv and eventing node
      • Verify all handlers
      • load all data
      • Rebalance out 1 kv 1 eventing
      • Verify all handlers
      • load all data
      • Swap 1 kv and 1 eventing
      • Verify all handlers

      Observed that all verification for timer handler failed due to data miss match and seeing the documents in metadata

      select count(*) from metadata.scope_1.coll0 where 
      meta().id like 'eventing::%:sp' and sta != stp; --> 128
      select count(*) from metadata.scope_1.coll1 where meta().id like 'eventing::%:sp' and sta != stp; --> 128
      select count(*) from metadata.scope_1.coll2 where meta().id like 'eventing::%:sp' and sta != stp; --> 128


      Handler Source Scope Destination Scope
      timers0_0 timer_op.scope_0.coll0(4095000) timer_op.scope_1.coll0(4094498)
      timers1_0 timer_op.scope_0.coll1(4091100) timer_op.scope_1.coll1(4089924)
      timers2_0 timer_op.scope_0.coll2(4089600) timer_op.scope_1.coll2(4089127)


      N1ql queries failing with CAS miss match

      2021-03-05T13:20:27.900-08:00 [INFO] "Query failed: " {"message":"SDK error : LCB_ERR_CAS_MISMATCH (209) Query error : {\n\"requestID\": \"1bc36320-7bb6-4e5f-a47d-d33f7c235c62\",\n\"clientContextID\": \"4@n1ql0_0.js(OnUpdate)\",\n\"signature\": null,\n\"results\": [\n],\n\"errors\": [{\"code\":12009,\"msg\":\"DML Error, possible causes include CAS mismatch or concurrent modificationFailed to perform UPSERT - cause: dial tcp connect: cannot assign requested address\"}],\n\"status\": \"errors\",\n\"metrics\": {\"elapsedTime\": \"23.135053ms\",\"executionTime\": \"23.080655ms\",\"resultCount\": 0,\"resultSize\": 0,\"serviceLoad\": 15,\"errorCount\": 1}\n}\n","stack":"Error\n    at N1QL (<anonymous>)\n    at OnUpdate (n1ql0_0.js:4:21)"} 2021-03-05T13:20:27.875-08:00 [INFO] "Query failed: " {"message":"SDK error : LCB_ERR_CAS_MISMATCH (209) Query error : {\n\"requestID\": \"1570ce91-f811-469c-b4b3-0ac8f1b57cca\",\n\"clientContextID\": \"4@n1ql0_0.js(OnUpdate)\",\n\"signature\": null,\n\"results\": [\n],\n\"errors\": [{\"code\":12009,\"msg\":\"DML Error, possible causes include CAS mismatch or concurrent modificationFailed to perform UPSERT - cause: dial tcp connect: cannot assign requested address\"}],\n\"status\": \"errors\",\n\"metrics\": {\"elapsedTime\": \"18.964561ms\",\"executionTime\": \"18.922147ms\",\"resultCount\": 0,\"resultSize\": 0,\"serviceLoad\": 9,\"errorCount\": 1}\n}\n","stack":"Error\n    at N1QL (<anonymous>)\n    at OnUpdate (n1ql0_0.js:4:21)"}  


        1. 693280967_timer2.log
          273 kB
          Abhishek Jindal
        2. MB-44784.rtf
          34 kB
          Ritam Sharma
        3. metadata_items.png
          452 kB
          Abhishek Jindal
        4. metadata_items-1.png
          452 kB
          Abhishek Jindal
        5. metadata_scope1_coll1_1.png
          352 kB
          Abhishek Jindal
        6. metadata_scope1_coll1_2.png
          318 kB
          Abhishek Jindal
        7. metadata_scope1_coll1_3.png
          300 kB
          Abhishek Jindal
        8. metadata_scope1_coll1_4.png
          301 kB
          Abhishek Jindal
        9. RunLogs.txt
          239 kB
          Ritam Sharma
        10. Screenshot 2021-03-12 at 1.41.58 PM.png
          70 kB
          Vikas Chaudhary
        11. Screenshot 2021-03-12 at 3.23.20 PM.png
          153 kB
          Abhishek Jindal
        12. Screenshot 2021-04-08 at 11.32.59 AM.png
          606 kB
          Abhishek Jindal
        13. timer_mismatch.png
          356 kB
          Abhishek Jindal

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              abhishek.jindal Abhishek Jindal
              vikas.chaudhary Vikas Chaudhary
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