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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-46506

Loading sample bucket travel-sample failed




      Build : 7.0.0-5219 (RC2)

      This issue wasn't seen in the RC1 build 5177, hence marking this as a regression. The centos-query_advisor_7.0_P1 & centos-query_advise jobs were passing 100% until build 5177.

      In these tests, in the setup for test methods, travel sample bucket is loaded on a 2-node cluster, each node of which runs KV+Index+Query services. There is a failure while loading the sample bucket. The following is seen in the UI logs.

      Loading sample bucket travel-sample failed. Samples loader exited with status 1.
      Loader's output was:
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.706-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.708-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.708-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.711-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.711-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.715-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.716-07:00 (REST) Successfully connected to cluster | {"enterprise":true,"uuid":"be8406baa363a0ee904e26938ceacbfe","version":{"min_version":"7.0.0","is_mixed_cluster":false}}
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.825-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.826-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (404) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.826-07:00 WARN: (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Request to endpoint '/pools/default/buckets/travel-sample' failed with status code 404 -- rest.(*Request).Execute() at request.go:143
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.826-07:00 (Plan) (Bucket) Creating remote bucket 'travel-sample' if it does not exist
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.826-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.827-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (404) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.827-07:00 WARN: (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Request to endpoint '/pools/default/buckets/travel-sample' failed with status code 404 -- rest.(*Request).Execute() at request.go:143
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.827-07:00 Bucket travel-sample does not exist, creating one with the specified settings
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.827-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (POST) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:38.856-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (POST) (202) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:39.857-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:39.863-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:40.857-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:40.863-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.857-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.862-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.862-07:00 (Plan) (Bucket) Successfully ensured bucket 'travel-sample' exists | {"number":1,"duration":"3.036213837s"}
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.862-07:00 (Plan) (Bucket) Automatically creating/editing scopes/collections for bucket 'travel-sample'
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.862-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.867-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.867-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.868-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.868-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (POST) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.870-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (POST) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.870-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (PUT) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.899-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (PUT) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:41.900-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (POST) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:42.149-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (POST) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:42.149-07:00 (Plan) (Bucket) Successfully created/edited scopes/collections for bucket 'travel-sample' | {"number":2,"duration":"287.189422ms"}
      2021-05-24T16:26:42.149-07:00 (Plan) (Bucket) Transferring bucket configuration for bucket 'travel-sample'
      2021-05-24T16:26:42.149-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:42.157-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:42.158-07:00 Editing bucket to conform with settings provided
      2021-05-24T16:26:42.158-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (POST) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:42.192-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (POST) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:43.193-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) Dispatching request to ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:43.199-07:00 (REST) (Attempt 1) (GET) (200) Received response from ''
      2021-05-24T16:26:43.199-07:00 (Plan) (Bucket) Successfully transferred bucket configuration for bucket 'travel-sample' | {"number":3,"duration":"1.050040203s"}
      2021-05-24T16:26:43.199-07:00 (Plan) (Index) Transferring views definitions for bucket 'travel-sample'
      2021-05-24T16:26:43.305-07:00 (Plan) (Index) Successfully transferred views definitions for bucket 'travel-sample' | {"number":4,"duration":"105.265109ms"}
      2021-05-24T16:26:43.305-07:00 (Plan) (Query) Executing queries for bucket 'travel-sample'
      2021-05-24T16:26:45.443-07:00 JSON import failed: failed to execute cluster operations: failed to execute bucket operation for bucket 'travel-sample': failed to execute queries for bucket 'travel-sample': failed to execute queries against sink bucket: failed to execute query: planning failure | {"statement":"CREATE INDEX `def_inventory_airport_airportname` ON `travel-sample`.inventory.airport(airportname) USING GSI WITH {\"defer_build\":true}","client_context_id":"93a43d4e-96a6-4000-b04d-af71ef2d2632","errors":[{"Code":4001,"Message":"Reprepare error - cause: Scope not found in CB datastore default:travel-sample.inventory"}]}
      JSON import failed: planning failure


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              pierre.regazzoni Pierre Regazzoni
              mihir.kamdar Mihir Kamdar (Inactive)
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