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  1. Couchbase Server
  2. MB-59079

Delete bucket took over 2 minutes as flusher took a long time to stop.




      This MB is a clone from MB-59037 as it was noted that a bucket took long to delete (for reconfiguration), and the same problem occurred on all but

      From the memcached logs for example on the following grep in memcached.log hightlights the slow flusher "stop", 194s.

      >  grep -e "stop flusher" -e Flusher::wait  memcached.log
      2023-10-09T18:59:53.131262-07:00 INFO (GleamBookUsers0) Attempting to stop flusher:0
      2023-10-09T19:03:07.145242-07:00 INFO (GleamBookUsers0) Flusher::wait: had to wait 194 s for shutdown
      2023-10-09T19:03:07.145254-07:00 INFO (GleamBookUsers0) Attempting to stop flusher:1
      2023-10-09T19:03:07.146782-07:00 INFO (GleamBookUsers0) Attempting to stop flusher:2
      2023-10-09T19:03:07.147955-07:00 INFO (GleamBookUsers0) Attempting to stop flusher:3
      2023-10-09T19:03:07.149108-07:00 INFO (GleamBookUsers0) Attempting to stop flusher:4
      2023-10-09T19:03:07.150247-07:00 INFO (GleamBookUsers0) Attempting to stop flusher:5
      2023-10-09T19:03:09.408951-07:00 INFO (GleamBookUsers0) Flusher::wait: had to wait 2259 ms for shutdown
      2023-10-09T19:03:09.408970-07:00 INFO (GleamBookUsers0) Attempting to stop flusher:6
      2023-10-09T19:03:09.862978-07:00 INFO (GleamBookUsers0) Flusher::wait: had to wait 454 ms for shutdown
      2023-10-09T19:03:09.862993-07:00 INFO (GleamBookUsers0) Attempting to stop flusher:7

      The flusher in that instance reported it was running for 189s

      2023-10-09T19:03:07.141661-07:00 WARNING (GleamBookUsers0) Slow runtime for 'Running a flusher loop: flusher 0' on thread WriterPool746: 189 s

      It's unclear where the time was spent, but suspect it could of been inside magma?

      Original MB description below, unclear if these steps will always reproduce the slow shutdown.

      Steps To Recreate:

      1. Create a 4 node cluster.
      2. Create a couchstore bucket(replicas=1, ram_quota =10 GiB per node, bucket_eviction_policy=fullEviction, bucket-name=GleamBookUsers0)
      3. Create 50 non default collections
      4. Load 50000000 docs of size 512 bytes in each of the newly created non default collections
      5. Change storage mode from couchstore to magma
      6. Start doc:ops(update:read)
      7. Trigger a swap rebalance(one node coming in one going out)
      8. Swap rebalance was successfull
      9. Trigger graceful failover fullrecovery rebalance (failed over node while data loading is going on
      10. Graceful failover+fullrecovery was successfull
      11. Trigger hard failover + fullrecovery+ rebalance (failed over node while data loading is going on
      12. Trigger hard failover + fullrecovery+ rebalance (failed over node while data loading is going on
      13. Update maxTTL value of VolumeCollection0 and VolumeCollection1
      14. Delete one collection(VolumeCollection 10)
      15. Create a collection(with name VolumeCollection10) with history=true
      16. Stop rebalance and create a new bucket( with historyRetentionCollectionDefault=true -d historyRetentionBytes=8446744073709551615 -d historyRetentionSeconds=3600)
      17. Update num replicas = 2 , durability=majority and bucket priority to high for bucket GleamBookUsers0
      18. Start rebalance
      19. Rebalance exited with reason {pre_rebalance_janitor_run_failed, "GleamBookUsers0", {error,wait_for_memcached_failed,

      Restarted rebalance multiple times but it was failing always

      Rebalance Failute:

      Rebalance exited with reason {pre_rebalance_janitor_run_failed,
      Rebalance Operation Id = 0d32f3032d8813abee3b8aca0cc87262


      guides/gradlew --refresh-dependencies testrunner -P jython=/opt/jython/bin/jython -P 'args=-i /tmp/temp_vol.ini bucket_storage=couchstore,bucket_eviction_policy=fullEviction,rerun=False -t aGoodDoctor.Hospital.Murphy.StorageMigrationTestHappyPath,nodes_init=4,graceful=True,skip_cleanup=True,num_items=50000000,num_buckets=1,bucket_names=GleamBook,doc_size=512,bucket_type=membase,bucket_eviction_policy=valueOnly,iterations=5,batch_size=1000,sdk_timeout=60,log_level=debug,infra_log_level=debug,rerun=False,skip_cleanup=True,key_size=22,assert_crashes_on_load=True,num_collections=50,maxttl=10,num_indexes=0,pc=10,indexer_mem_quota=0,index_nodes=0,cbas_nodes=0,fts_nodes=0,ops_rate=100000,ramQuota=10240,doc_ops=create:update:delete:read,mutation_perc=100,rebl_ops_rate=50000,key_type=RandomKey,revert_migration=True'


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          For Gerrit Dashboard: MB-59079
          # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



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